

  • The amount of kids at a particular stop, the convenience of a larger number of school bus passengers, and the turnaround time for school buses are only a few of the factors that go into the design of bus stops.
  • Bus stops are completed at the start of a session and are unlikely to be altered in the middle of it. However, the school retains the authority to establish, discontinue, or move a specific bus stop whenever it is practical throughout the term. Parents' requests in these areas are therefore appreciated, although the school officials may not find them feasible to adopt.
  • A kid who takes the school bus must arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is supposed to arrive. The student must be on the right side of the approaching bus.
Philosophical Thoughts
  • For their children's protection, parents should make sure that their wards are constantly escorted to and from bus stops. A request indicating this must be given to the head of school for any pupils who, for any reason, must travel alone to and from their stops. Such children must carry their student and parent ID cards and be prepared to show them upon request.
  • Only at the bus stop are students permitted to board and depart their designated bus for the duration of the trip. The bus or bus stops cannot be temporarily changed.
  • Students should not attempt to board their bus or any other bus if they miss the designated bus. In certain situations, dropping off their children at school is the parents' duty. Such pupils may, however, ride the designated bus home. The bus service will be withdrawn and parents will be fined heavily if they attempt to stop the bus and compel their child to board while it is travelling. Students without access to school transportation should arrive 10 minutes before classes begin.
  • The bus's aisle must be free of obstructions, and students must arrange their belongings—including their school bags—properly.
  • All body parts must remain inside the vehicle at all times for students. Even for waving, they shouldn't extend their hands.
  • During the trip, no objects or things should be hurled inside or outside the bus.
  • The bus does not allow the eating of food or beverages other than water.
  • Shouting and other boisterous behaviour are absolutely forbidden.
  • Any student misbehaviour against the bus drivers, conductor, bus teacher, or another student would be considered a serious infraction and result in suspension from school.
  • Under no circumstances are parents permitted to board the school bus, nor is it expected that they will argue with the bus instructor, driver, or conductor. Any such reported conflict may result in the suspension or cancellation of the child's transportation service.
  • Parents should contact the person in charge of transportation with any questions or requests by phone at the number provided or by email at saraswatividyamandir.bhg@gmail.com. Parents should raise the situation to the head of school if it is still unresolved after five working days.

Computer Lab

We provide computer education and the latest multimedia and Internet education to our students in the school.

The school has excellently furnished computer, biology, chemistry, and physics labs. There is a workshop for getting job experience. Teachers with training and expertise supervise these laboratories and instruct the pupils. Only once students have received adequate instruction in the handling of the equipment, chemicals, etc., are they brought inside the labs.

Computer science is a required course in school, and computer laboratories provide enough opportunities for all students to gain practical experience. Computer instruction is introduced in the lower grades.

Philosophical Thoughts


The school offers a sizable reading room and a library. All actual pupils of the school are welcome to use the library. At least one library session is offered to all courses each week. The following guidelines must be followed by students.

For a maximum of seven days, one book can be distributed to each student in grades I through X.

Books can only be borrowed by students using their own cards. They must keep the library completely silent. Other than reference books, books are checked out for two weeks. The borrowing privilege is suspended for five weeks if the books are returned late without a sufficient excuse.

Any damaged, marked, or altered books will be replaced, or the borrower will be charged.

It is not permitted for students to bring personal books or belongings into the library.

A youngster who is detected harming or defacing a book will face harsh punishment.

Philosophical Thoughts